Attorney Julie Sommer named President-Elect of Drake group

The Drake Group, an organization focused on reforming collegiate athletics, has announced the Camiseta Palmeiras election of attorney Julie Sommer as our President-Elect as well as the reelection of Board members-at-large B. David Ridpath, Bruce Smith, and Connee Zotos. Dr. Ridpath, associate professor of sports Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Ecuador service at Ohio University, college of Business,  is academic Co-Editor of the Journal of NCAA Compliance, a periodical of Hackney Publications.

Sommer is a Seattle attorney; expert on the status of state NIL bills; The Drake group liaison to the uniform law commission that developed Camiseta Selección de fútbol de México a model NIL statute; author of a comparative analysis of current federal NIL bills; and a member of the Washington state Bar Association, King county Bar association and sports Lawyers Association.

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